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What do I use instead of FireServer()?

Asked by
Viking359 161
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

FireServer() can only be called from the client, so what do I use if the server is calling the remote event? Here's a chunk of the code :

while true do--the game loop
local ShowGui = game.ReplicatedStorage.OpenGui--the remote event
ShowGui:FireServer()--fire the remote event(but what goes here instead?)

If I didn't explain it well enough, the script that is inside the workspace is trying to fire a remote event but it doesn't fir because it's the server trying to call it rather than a client. What do I use instead of FireServer() that the server can use? Other server script(in SSS) :

local ShowGui = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").OpenGui
for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do

game.ServerStorage.GUI.Regen:Clone().Parent = plr.PlayerGui

:FireClient(playername, arg) and .OnClientEvent(arg) or :FireAllClients(arg), .OnClientEvent(arg) abnotaddable 920 — 6y
Can I leave the argument blank? Viking359 161 — 6y
Yeah. The args are Variants, which means they can be nil (blank) as well as anything. Thundermaker300 554 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

The best thing to use is FireAllClients. For example, If I wanted to change a textbox for all players in a GUI, I'd do this: Server Script:

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Event

local text = {


Local Script:

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Event
    script.Parent.Text = text           

I suggest reading this wiki page. Hopefully this helped you, and if it did please accept my answer as it helps both of our reputation!

The second script that's activated when the event is fired is a server script in SSS. Where should I move it and does it have to be a local script? Viking359 161 — 6y
The first script I provided goes into a regular script in the SSS. The second script I provided goes in a localscript in the GUI, or the client. PyccknnXakep 1225 — 6y
The gui is in serverstorage so would it still work if I put the local script in there? Viking359 161 — 6y
It would work as long as the Gui is cloned into the PlayerGui. I just gave you an example on how they work. PyccknnXakep 1225 — 6y
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Now the remote event parts of it are not working at all with no output errors, is it because of FE or did I do something wrong? The local scripts are inside the gui that will get cloned into player gui, like you said. Viking359 161 — 6y
Where is the fist script located? PyccknnXakep 1225 — 6y
Workspace, should I move it to SSS? The rest of the script works fine if it helps. Viking359 161 — 6y

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