[SOLVED] Why is attempt to call a number value?
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7 years ago Edited 7 years ago
The local script in StarterPlayerScripts and FilteringEnabled is on.
Part of local script:
08 | warn.Text = "You have been blocked temporarily for spamming. WARNING : " .. totalspam.. " out of 3" |
10 | player:Kick( "Kicked for repeated spamming" ) |
12 | spawn( 5 , function () chatspam = chatspam- 5 warn.Visible = false end ) |
I found out,
08 | warning.Text = "You have been blocked temporarily for spamming. WARNING : " .. totalspam.. " out of 3" |
10 | player:Kick( "Kicked for repeated spamming" ) |
12 | delay( 5 , function () chatspam = chatspam- 5 warning.Visible = false end ) |