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[SOLVED] Why is GUI is not a valid member of PlayerGui?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

The script in ServerScriptService and FilteringEnabled is on.

Part of script:

01function playerEnter(newPlayer)
02    newPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')
03    local p = newPlayer
04    local userId = p.userId
05    newPlayer.CharacterAdded:wait()
06    repeat wait() until newPlayer.PlayerGui ~= nil
07    print("Setting up " .. userId .. "'s resources.")
08    newPlayer.PlayerGui.GUI.Loading.Visible = true
09    newPlayer.PlayerGui.GUI.Loading.ItemName.Text = "Setting up " .. userId .. "'s resources."
10    wait()
11    local ranString = RandomString(20)
12    local v ="Model")
13    v.Parent = game.ServerStorage.PlayerDataService
14    v.Name = ranString
View all 38 lines...

Output: "GUI is not a valid member of PlayerGui"

Error line is 08: 'newPlayer.PlayerGui.GUI.Loading.Visible = true'

It's not working. Why?

Read my bio. hiimgoodpack 2009 — 7y

1 answer

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Answered by 7 years ago

Since GUI's are mainly client only, the server (ServerScriptService) cannot access them or edit the contents within them. To make a GUI server wide, you need to use Remote Events. You can find tutorials of remote events on the Guide section of this website, or by browsing the wiki.

Solved, Thank you much. zZGalaxySolarManZz 49 — 7y
You're welcome! PyccknnXakep 1225 — 7y

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