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Gun Range Effectiveness formula?

Asked by
Mineloxer 187
7 years ago

I have a gun that I want to add range effectiveness to. Basically, the longer the distance to the target(measured in studs) the lower the damage. I am not the best at math, so I need someone to help me out here.

The variables I am working with is Rangeand Raw Damage. Feel free to suggest/add other variables to make this a bit easier and understandable. I can provide you more information if you need. Thanks.

The easiest way would be Raw Damage-Range or then dampen it such as Raw Damage-Range/3 for example lukeb50 631 — 7y
You would use the magnitude which is the distance between the two points User#5423 17 — 7y
I see, thanks. Mineloxer 187 — 7y

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