Output: Vector3 is not a valid member
Alarm1 = game.Workspace.Alarm1 Rotation = Alarm1.Rotation x = 0.05 while true do Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, -0, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, -15, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, -30, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, -45, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, -60, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, -75, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, -89.952, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(180, -75, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, -60, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, -45, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, -30, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, -15, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotaion.Vector3.new(-180, 0, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, 15, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, 30, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, 45, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, 60, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(-180, 75, -180) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, 89.956, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, 75, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, 60, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, 45, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, 30, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, 15, 0) wait(x) Alarm1.Rotation.Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) end
The script is suppose to make a object spin. But it's not working. Why?
Valid member, not valid number.
Rotation is a Vector3. Vector3's do not have a Vector3 property.
Alarm1.Rotation = Vector3.new(x,y,z);
I worry that you aren't really understanding the Lua that you're typing since you were able to write this. You should know the concepts before you go ahead and start making things.
In addition, this should definitely be managed by a loop.