All i want is when the player touches the nuke you hear the sound kaboom sound id(131961140)
active = false function touch(hit) if (active == true) then return end active = true c = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do p = c[i]:GetChildren() for l =1,#p do if (p[l].className == "Humanoid" and p[l].Name == "Humanoid") then if ((p[l].Parent.Torso.Position - script.Parent.Position).magnitude < 4) then g = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for h = 1,#g do j = g[h]:GetChildren() for k = 1,#j do if (j[k].className == "Humanoid" and j[k].Name == "Zombie" and j[k].Health > 0) then game.Workspace.ZombieAmmount.Value = game.Workspace.ZombieAmmount.Value -1 j[k].Parent:Remove() end end end z = game.Players:GetChildren() for x =1,#z do if (z[x] ~= nil and z[x]:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") ~= nil) then gui = game.Lighting.NukeGui:clone() gui.Script.Disabled = false gui.Parent = z[x].PlayerGui game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(gui, 10) end end game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(script.Parent.Parent, 0.1) wait(1) end end end end active = false end script.Parent.Touched:connect(touch)
You can insert a sound inside teh script, then do the following.