Since ROBLOX added the new rule I would like to know how I could convert this script so that it is filtering enabled compatible.
local s = game.ServerStorage.C local size = false local coffee = false local ready = false local inwork = false local toolcheck = false local coffeo = {"Regular","Expresso","Macchiato","Latte"} local sizeo = {"Medium","Small","Large"} local extras = {"Chocolate","Vanilla","Caramel"} local buildtext1 = "" local player = game.Players:GetPlayers() local correct = "" function verify() if inwork == true then print("in workspace") elseif inwork == false then prepare() end end function prepare() local size1 = sizeo[math.random(#sizeo)] local extras1 = extras[math.random(#extras)] local coffee1 = coffeo[math.random(#coffeo)] local buildtext = "I would like a " correct = size1.." "..extras1..""..coffee1 buildtext = buildtext..size1.." "..extras1.." "..coffee1 buildtext1 = buildtext ready = true print(buildtext) textbuilder() end function textbuilder() = buildtext1 ready = true s:clone().Parent = game.Workspace inwork = true end game.Workspace.checker.censor.Touched:connect(function(h) if (h.Parent.Name == correct) then = "Thank you!" wait(5) inwork = false ready = false game.Workspace.c:destroy() elseif (h.Parent.Name ~= correct and h.Parent.ClassName == "Tool") then = "I didn't order this!" wait(5) ready = false inwork = false game.Workspace.C:destroy() end end) game.Workspace.aaaa.ClickDetector.mouseClick:connect(verify)
There is no reason why it should be a local script or not FE compatible. Just make it a server script and it will work with FE without making any changes.