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{Please Help!} Why is this script working in Studio Mode, but not in Player Mode?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

This is getting a little aggravating I am trying to make this script work, but it works in studio mode and not in player mode and I don't know why! My output is saying nothing is wrong with the script!

Where they are: --Price and Wait are IntValues in the Potato Script. --Main script is in Soil --Potato script is in Soil

In the chopping the crop down script I have the enable script. Why is this not working :(


local Cash = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Cash local Price = script.Price.Value local carrot = script.Parent.Parent.Carrot local corn = script.Parent.Parent.Corn local wheat = script.Parent.Parent.Wheat local potato = script.Parent.Parent.Potato local pumpkin = script.Parent.Parent.Pumpkin local Let = script.Parent.Parent.Lettuce local On = script.Parent.Parent.Onion local Rice = script.Parent.Parent.Rice local PA = script.Parent.Parent.PotatoA local PB = script.Parent.Parent.PotatoB local PC = script.Parent.Parent.PotatoC potato.Touched:Connect(function(TouchedA) if Cash.Value >= Price then Cash.Value = Cash.Value - Price script.Disabled = true script.Parent.Main.Disabled = true script.Parent.Wheat.Disabled = true script.Parent.Corn.Disabled = true Let.Transparency = 1; On.Transparency = 1; Rice.Transparency = 1; carrot.Transparency = 1; corn.Transparency = 1; wheat.Transparency = 1; potato.Transparency = 1;pumpkin.Transparency = 1 Rice.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; On.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; Let.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; pumpkin.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; carrot.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; corn.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; wheat.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; potato.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false; wait(1) PA.Transparency = 0 wait(5) PA.Transparency = 1 PB.Transparency = 0 wait(5) PB.Transparency = 1 PC.Transparency = 0 PC.Collect.Disabled = false script.Disabled = true elseif Cash.Value <= Price then script.Parent.Main.Disabled = false script.Parent.Corn.Disabled = false script.Parent.Wheat.Disabled = false PC.Collect.Disabled = true script.Disabled = false Cash.Value = Cash.Value - 0 end end)
is this in a local script? Worthy0ne 68 — 6y
Is your game filtering enabled? Asceylos 562 — 6y
neither of them worked Goldenkings11 -11 — 6y
If you actually test it out in Roblox Studio by creating a test server, then it should give you a few errors. Make sure that the "Server" checkbox is checked, then press the "Start" button under the "Test" tab. cfiredog 274 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

Your problem is that you use LocalPlayer well that's the problem... It works only in StudioMode but if you go in Online Mode it wont work....

See if that work? AswormeDorijan111 531 — 6y
That will work, because Roblox Studio cannot read your mind on what you want to happen. It just follows the code that it been instructed to do. hiimgoodpack 2009 — 6y
what do I use instead of localplayer for that specific player? Goldenkings11 -11 — 6y

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