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Problem when using a Global variable?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Hello, so I have a script in the workspace that contains this: = {

And a LocalScript in the StarterGui that contains this:

local target = script.Parent.code function suc() script.Parent:TweenPosition(, -450,0.098, 0), "Out", "Elastic", 2.1, true, function() script.Parent.Visible = false end) target.Text = "<enter code here>" end function unsuc() target.Text = "Code Invalid!" wait(3) script.Parent:TweenPosition(, -450,0.098, 0), "Out", "Elastic", 2.1, true, function() script.Parent.Visible = false end) target.Text = "<enter code here>" end script.Parent.submit.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() while == nil do wait() end --CODE TWO (Works) if target.Text ==[2] then target.Text = "Code Redeemed!" print("Test") local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer local b = game:GetService("BadgeService") b:AwardBadge(p.userId, 918606619) wait(3) suc() else unsuc() end --CODE ONE (Doesn't Work) if target.Text ==[1] then target.Text = "Code Redeemed!" local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer player.leaderstats.XP.Value = player.leaderstats.XP.Value + 100 wait(3) suc() else unsuc() end --CODE THREE (Doesn't Work) if target.Text ==[4] then target.Text = "Code Redeemed!" print("test") wait(3) suc() else unsuc() end end)

And for some reason when I enter in the correct code and hit submit, it returns the unsuc()function. Also, Code 2 works fine and the others dont. Help please!

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Answered by 6 years ago

I don't see a use of global variables in this. You can have a module script that holds the codes using an array, and use a global script to require the module.

Inside the localscript, make a function that gets called when submit is clicked. Then invoke a remotefunction giving the input from the textbox as an argument.

Inside the global script, have a function that handles the invoke and make it call a function inside the module script to get the codes, if the input is a valid code (Check via for loop) then return true.

Lets say the remotefunction is located inside ReplicatedStorage

Since examples are worth a thousand words, here you go

Global Script

local module = require(script.Module)

game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = function(input)
return module:verifyCode(input)

Module Script Inside global script

local module = {}

local codes = {
"Test", "Test1", "Test2"

function module.verifyCode(input)
for _,v in pairs(codes) do
    if v == input then
        return true
-- If all fails
return false

return module

Local Script

if game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer(script.Parent.code.Text) == true then
    -- CODE

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