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Help Sound!

Asked by 11 years ago

I tried putting a script like this inside a sound(The sound is inside a part) and it works!

script.Disabled = true
script.Disabled = false


But the problem is,it only works in ROBLOX Studio.I need a help to make the sound also works in my place.Also,I wanted the sound getting louder when I get close to it.

2 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

There's no need for the first two lines. Also, it's script.Parent:Play() not script.Parent.Play().

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Answered by 11 years ago

Well first of all this is a dead line (as I call it) script.Disabled = true You are stopping the script and it never reaches the next line. Secondly, you put .Play instead of :Play (as said above)

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