--@SilverBunny_Gd local CityPath = workspace:WaitForChild("City") local Data = CityPath:GetChildren() local Pos = nil local Model = "Model" local Storage = workspace:WaitForChild("Storage") local CityModel = Instance.new(Model,workspace) CityModel.Name = "CityPath" for Number,DataObject in pairs(Data) do if DataObject then DataObject:Clone().Parent = Storage for Number,DataObj in pairs(Storage:GetChildren()) do DataObj.Parent = CityModel for Number,DataObj in ipairs(CityModel:GetChildren()) do DataObj.Orientation = DataObj.Orientation + Vector3.new(100,0,0) end end end end function Organize() end
It says that because orientation is actually no valid member of model. You would have to change the orientation of every single child of the model. Feel free to accept my answer if this helped you.
But i Used GetChildren() read the code pls