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Can't save/load a table?

Asked by
aiuis 85
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
01local dss=game:GetService'DataStoreService':GetDataStore'Data'
04    player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character)
05        local getdata=dss:GetAsync(player.UserId)
06        if getdata then
07  [1],getdata[2],getdata[3])
08        end
09    end)
13    local savedata={
14        player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.X,
15        player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Y,
16        player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Z
17    }
18    dss:SetAsync(player.UserId,savedata)

I'm trying to get player's x, y and z positions, store them in a table and load them when player joins with them saved. However, I can't make it work and the output says nothing... I'm very green with data stores and I would very appreciate any help.

2 answers

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Answered by
Azarth 3141 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

Character is printing nil. You could try tracking your character's position using a value instead and update based on that.

02    local key = string.format("%s_%s", player.Name, player.UserId)
03    if player.Character then
04        local root_part = player.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
05        if root_part then
06            if pcall(function()
07                dss:SetAsync(key, root_part.Position)
08            end) then
09                print(string.format("Saved %s position: %s", player.Name, root_part.Position))
10            else
11                print(string.format("Couldn't save %s position.", player.Name))
12            end
13        else
14            print(string.format("Couldn't find %s torso.", player.Name))
15        end
16    else
17        print(player.Name, "/Character is nil")
18    end
Thanks for the answer but that doesn't seem to be the problem... :/ aiuis 85 — 7y
If it's not saving, it's not going to load. Otherwise there is an error and you should be able to see it in the output. StarterServer > 1 player. Leave the window your character has loaded in, look in server output. Azarth 3141 — 7y
Thanks a bunch! I got it to work now c: aiuis 85 — 7y
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Answered by 7 years ago

I personally don't have much experience working with data stores, but I can offer some advice that might help out.

  1. According the wiki, data store keys should be strings, but you are passing integers (player IDs) instead. Consider using something like "player" .. player.UserId as a key instead.

  2. Keep in mind that a character's default position may be (unfortunately) assigned after the player.CharacterAdded has been fired, in which case, the position you have assigned to the character will be overridden. There really isn't a clean way to deal with this other than to wait a brief period of time before assigning the character's position so that the character's default position can be assigned first.

  3. Calling GetAsync every time a player's character loads is inefficient. You should only call it once when the player joins the game and then store its value in a variable for later use.

  4. Calls to data store functions can fail due to networking issues. See here for a better explanation.

Hope this helps.

I still can't make it to work. Thanks for the point one though, I didn't knew that. I'm pretty sure the problem is at lines 5-8 because if I add a print after line 8 it won't print it... aiuis 85 — 7y

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