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How to make player rotate to the slope they are walking on?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

To explain what I'm trying to do;

A humanoid for example walks up a ramp. The humanoid acts as if hes still walking on flat ground trying to walk through the ramp instead of walking up the ramp.

I want to prevent this.

01local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
02local moveModel = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character;
03-- don't detect the model we're moving
04mouse.TargetFilter = moveModel
07local c = moveModel;
08local hrp = c:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
09local j = hrp:WaitForChild("Root Hip")
10local orig = j.C0
12function placeAtMouse()
13    -- make sure the mouse is pointing at something
14    if mouse.Target then
15        -- where we cast our ray from (shifted slightly up so the ray will hit the surface we're hovering)
View all 58 lines...
well please desscribe you question explain what you want. Tsb102403 -9 — 7y
How maybe could find the part he is walking on by using a ray. Then, match the orientation of the part using a BodyGyro. But this wouldn't work for wedges. Also might prevent you from rotating your player. Sorry if I miss understood your question. Just a thought. Bluemonkey132 194 — 7y

1 answer

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Answered by 7 years ago

OHHHHH DERP. In humanoid properties. Change the max slope angle to what ever you want! (Make it higher)

omg im sorry i read the comments on community chat you explained. In real life... Yeah idk thats tough mate Tsb102403 -9 — 7y
The maximum slope angle is 89.9. The default is just 89. Won't help. OriginalPacificalSun 0 — 4y

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