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How can I make it so that you can only have 2 tools in your backpack?

Asked by 7 years ago

So, I am making a game COMPLETELY based off of Bungie's, "Halo: Combat Evolved" and it is a first person shooter. In the game you can only have 2 weapons, and if you wanted a different weapon, you can swap the current equipped weapon for the one that you want. How would I replicate this? Any help would be appreciated!

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Answered by 7 years ago

Hello there! First off the way I would replicate what you're trying to accomplish would be to check the amount of tools in the backpack. Once you do that, you want to remove all extra tools. I won't code the entire thing for you but I will give you a base of code that would work in your favor. To clarify, this is a LocalScript and a ServerScript will not work under Filtering Enable Conditions.

01--// Declarations
02local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
03repeat wait() until Player.Character ~= nil
04local Character = Player.Character
06local Backpack = Player.Backpack --> This is where all unused tools will be kept.
07local Selected --> This will be where we store our current held tool.
09local function CheckAmount(Object)
10    Selected = Object --> Can be used to swap out the current selected weapon, once you code the rest of the script to switch them.
11    for ToolIndex,Tool in pairs(Backpack:GetChildren())do
12        if ToolIndex > 1 then --> Ensures that there are no than two more other tools in the backpack.
13            Tool:Destroy()
14        end
15    end

As you can see, in this small block of code I've already solved one of your problems. Now the second thing you must go into finding out is swapping weapons that I assume you want to swap with on the ground. For dropped weapons, I would have NPC's or however you want them on the ground placed in a folder in the workspace. There you can get the distance between you and the weapon itself. Here is an example.

01local WeaponFolder = workspace.WeaponsFolder
02local MaxDistance = 10
04for _,Weapon in pairs(WeaponFolder:GetChildren())do
05    local Magnitude = (Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position -Weapon.Handle.Position).magnitude
06    if Magnitude <= MaxDistance then
07        -- Insert Instructions
08        break --> Don't want the code to continue running if you found a weapon near you.
09    end

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