I made a script for my game that gives player points to others if they have 10 KOS. And does this work? -- declare service local PointsService = Game:GetService("PointsService")
-- Bind function to player added event game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) -- Get total number of points the game has available local pointsToAward = PointsService:GetAwardablePoints() -- Get total number of points this game has already awarded to the player local universeBalance = PointsService:GetGamePointBalance(player.userId) -- Check if the game has points to award and if the player hasn't gotten any points yet. If both are true, then give the player a point. if ( pointsToAward > 345 and universeBalance == 5888888) then PointsService:AwardPoints(player.userId, 14643959) end end)
-- Bind function to when points are successfully awarded PointsService.PointsAwarded:connect(function(userId, userBalanceinUni, userBalance) -- Show message indicating that a player has gotten points local message = Instance.new('Message', game.Workspace) message.Text = "Point awarded to " .. userId .. ". This player now has " .. userBalance .. " points total!" wait(5) message:Destroy() end)
I have no idea what any of this jumble is, But the Player Point methods, Events, and properties are here: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=RBX.lua.PointsService_(Object)