I have been learning lua for a small time and this week I picked up Camera manipulation. But for some reason my script is not working. There are no Outputs as well. Take a look at the script.
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera cam.CameraType = "Scriptable" cam.CoordinateFrame = CFrame.new(-152.2, 40, 186.6) cam.Focus = CFrame.new(36.4, 1, 145.2)
wait() --important, a player needs to load first local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable --i always use Enum, I think it's better cam.CFrame = CFrame.new(-152.2, 40, 186.6) --you can just use CFrame --Focus is not for CFrame, its for Objects!
cam.Focus = game.Workspace.Part
That should work^^
cam.CoordinateFrame = game.Workspace.[Put block its on here].CFrame* CFrame.Angles(-152.2, 40, 186.6)