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Stone doesn't run the clicking function when Player is holding a Pickaxe?

Asked by 7 years ago

Here's the script that was put in the stone

local function onMouseClick(player) if player.Character.WoodenPickaxe then script.Parent.Sound:Play() player.PlayerData:WaitForChild('Stone').Value = player.PlayerData:WaitForChild('Stone').Value + 10 end end script.Parent.Clicker.MouseClick:connect(onMouseClick)

The script runs when the player click it with bare hands but not when they're holding the pickaxe

try look for check for if it's equipt and not the pickaxe itself. "if player.Character.WoodenPickaxe.Equipped then" Venetrix 0 — 7y
No. if player.Character:FindFirstChild("WoodenPickaxe"). Also, you can't click clickdetectors with tools equipped. Programical 653 — 7y

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