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How to change HumanoidRootPart's Orientation without breaking the character?

Asked by
aiuis 85
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

Argument is mouse


I tried making a script where when you mouseclick your character turns to the Y position of your mouse. But I end up with a broken character. I really need your help pls

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Answered by 7 years ago

You are trying to place a 2-Dimensional value (Mouse.X) inside a 3-Dimensional one (CFrame). Mouse.X is basically the x coordinate of the 2-Dimensional screen, and so using that would not work for a 3-Dimensional position like CFrame. That said, you would want the HumanoidRootPart's CFrame to be the X value of the mouse's Hit property, which is basically the CFrame value of where the mouse is pointing:

--Assume hrp is the HumanoidRootPart you are trying to use*CFrame.Angles(0,Argument.Hit.x,0)

Please accept answer if this helped :)

Thanks for the explanation aiuis 85 — 7y

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