I made it equal true and I intend for it to stay true for the entire game even if the player resets but when he does it turns false. And yes, every player has this BoolValue
Well I'm assuming your value instance is located inside startergui and by the look of the comments you have already experimented with the bool ResetGuiOnSpawn of startergui and it seems other things have broke from that. Let's do it like this then, besides that bool there is also another way to prevent stuff from resetting inside startergui. There is a bool called ResetOnSpawn located inside a screengui that if set correctly will prevent that specific screengui from resetting if the character respawns, this is useful because instead of having everything reset or not we can have certain things inside startergui reset or not. To fix your problem create a new screengui, maybe name it "Values", place your value instance inside that screengui and change that instance's property ResetOnSpawn to false.