I have no clue what I did wrong in this script. I will not load the GUI. Help please?
local admins={"Aesro","Player1"} local adminSymbol="[Owner] " -- Symbol that shows someone is a admin. local teamChat=true -- Are players allowed to talk in team. local chatSymbol="%" -- Used to talk in team. script.ChatGui:Clone().Parent=game.StarterGui game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if msg:sub(1,1)==chatSymbol and teamChat then -- Checking for teamChat. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren())do if p:IsA("Player") and p.TeamColor==Player.TeamColor and p.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("ChatGui") then local label=p.PlayerGui.ChatGui.Message:Clone() label.Parent=p.PlayerGui.ChatGui.Frame label.Visible=false local admin=false -- Checking to see if PLAYER is admin. for i=1,#admins do if Player.Name==admins[i] then admin=true end end if admin then label.NAME.Text=adminSymbol..""..Player.Name..":" label.Text=adminSymbol..""..Player.Name..": "..msg label.NAME.TextColor3=0, 85, 255 elseif not admin then label.NAME.Text=Player.Name..":" label.Text=Player.Name..": "..msg label.NAME.TextColor3=255, 255, 255 end -- Moves the messages up the frame. for _,m in pairs(p.PlayerGui.ChatGui.Frame:GetChildren())do if m.Name=="Message" then m.Position=m.Position-UDim2.new(0,0,0,15) if m.Position.Y.Offset<(-90) then m:Destroy() end end end end end elseif msg:sub(1,3)~="/e " then for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren())do if p:IsA("Player") and p.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("ChatGui") then local label=p.PlayerGui.ChatGui.Message:Clone() label.Parent=p.PlayerGui.ChatGui.Frame label.Visible=false local admin=false -- Checking to see if PLAYER is admin. for i=1,#admins do if Player.Name==admins[i] then admin=true end end if admin then label.NAME.Text=adminSymbol..""..Player.Name..":" label.Text=adminSymbol..""..Player.Name..": "..msg label.NAME.TextColor3=0, 85, 255 elseif not admin then label.NAME.Text=Player.Name..":" label.Text=Player.Name..": "..msg label.NAME.TextColor3=255, 255, 255 end end end end end) end)