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What is wrong with the color change in this door?

Asked by 10 years ago
local Door = script.Parent -- Door is part's parent now
function onTouch()--Sets start of function
    Door.CanCollide = false -- Allows you to go through the door
    Door.Transparency = 0.5 -- Makes the door transparent(duh)
    Door.BrickColor:Random() -- Makes the door change color, problem is here.
    wait(2) -- waits EXACTLY 2 seconds :/
    Door.CanCollide = true -- Now the door is solid again
    Door.Transparency = 0 -- Door's transparency is gone
    Door.BrickColor:Random()-- another random color is added -- also problem.


Door.BrickColor=BrickColor.Random() M39a9am3R 3210 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by
OniiCh_n 410 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

:Random() doesn't work here.

This should work.

local Door = script.Parent -- Door is part's parent now
function onTouch()--Sets start of function
    Door.CanCollide = false -- Allows you to go through the door
    Door.Transparency = 0.5 -- Makes the door transparent(duh)
    Door.BrickColor =, math.random(), math.random()) -- BrickColor is done in (R, G , B)
    wait(2) -- waits EXACTLY 2 seconds :/
    Door.CanCollide = true -- Now the door is solid again
    Door.Transparency = 0 -- Door's transparency is gone
    Door.BrickColor =, math.random(), math.random()) -- Same as above.

The BrickColor property is designed to be an (R, G, B) property, meaning you must supply 3 numbers to create a color, or specify the actual name of a color within the initial color palette. For random colors/numbers, use math.random() for all your RNG* needs.

*Random Number Generating/Generator/Generated etc.

BrickColor.Random() would work though. TheGuyWithAShortName 673 — 10y
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Answered by
devDave 50
10 years ago

BrickColor is different than random, use BrickColor.Random() instead Good work on the commenting

I like things simple. BritishGotSwag 30 — 10y

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