i need a object when they go to my body it will collect and go to the gem leaderboard that i can sell to the trader.... here is my code
local torso = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart local center = Instance.new("Part") center.CanCollide = false center.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1) center.Parent = game.Workspace local bp = Instance.new("BodyPosition") bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(9e+100, 9e+100, 9e+100) bp.P = 40000 bp.Parent = center while torso.Parent do center.BodyPosition.position = torso.Position wait() end center:Remove()
i need it to change to be gem collector and the gem that i can get is only rendomly spawn i need the gem randomly spawn in area i need a script like that then i need a gem leaderboard that will sell into the trader im very very sorry for the website to say this just give me script or message me in my account so we can talk more about it im very sorry bros.... ban me if u want :C im sorry man i disapointed the website... ;(