Basically I am wondering if there is any metamethod, or standard (or un-standard / outside of the box) way to tell when a table's value is being referenced.
For example the metamethod "__newindex", is called every time you create a new index inside of the metatable, so if I did this to a metatable with the metamethod __newindex it would call the metamethod:
myMetaTable.MyNewIndex = 123;
But what if you were only referencing, or getting the value inside of a metatable like these two examples: (assuming that "oldIndex" is not a nil value inside of MyMetaTable)
local new_value = MyMetaTable.OldIndex;
It is in these particular cases that I am wondering if there is a metamethod or some method to tell when a table's value(s) are being referenced. To go more in-depth, I am working with Lua Object Oriented Programming, and there is a certain property that I need to keep inside all instances of a class called ID, which is used to find that instance's private property data, which is stored in a somewhat 'hidden' scope. What I would essentially LIKE to do is not allow users to reference the ID property, for example say that there WAS a metamethod that would be called each time a value of a table was referenced, and the value the method returned would be returned instead of the actual value of the property. For example say that a metamethod called '__ref' existed for simplicity:
meta = {__index = {ID = 0}}; meta.__ref = function(k, v) if k == "ID" then return nil; end return v; end
In theory this would essentially hide the 'ID' property, but I am not sure if a metamethod like this exists, nor do I know of any methods to do this. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.