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Why is my custom character always walking backwards?

Asked by 7 years ago

I made a custom rig, and the scripts work fine, but my character always walks backwards. Is there a simple fix, or do I have to redo the whole thing?

Just make it the opposite, otherwise redo the whole thing. BlackOrange3343 2676 — 7y
Is your custom rig aligned with the front surface? DefaultAxis 72 — 7y
Make sure you made the animation facing the right way, i did that once before. User#10843 0 — 7y
if you mean when you move forward the model faces backwards it could be that the head is on backwards qwertyuiopasdfghhh 13 — 4y
You have to turn the HumaniodRootPart around. Then you have to recreate all the joints and welds to the Part and it should work then. AjAT_TAjA 0 — 3y

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Answered by 3 years ago

You have to turn the HumaniodRootPart around. Then you have to recreate all the joints and welds to the Part and it should work then.


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