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My Studio Won't Work

Asked by 11 years ago

Well, I guess this isn't really help with scripting, but I've asked everywhere else, and I've gotten no good answers.

Okay, so, whenever I go to Develop and try to edit a game, it takes me to a different world that is definately not mine, that has no bricks in it, whatsoever. I even try opening the studio directly and try logging in, but it won't even let me.

Please help. It's been like this for days.

Have you restarted your computer? Made sure the roblox site isn't blocked in any way? Do you have any anti-viruses that could possibly be blocking roblox's connection to the internet? User#2 0 — 11y
Just tried restarting it. Didn't work. ImmenseKassing 120 — 11y

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Answered by 11 years ago

We'll I recommend for you to delete roblox and roblox studio, and download them again. It will work for sure!

That's what everyone says. It for sure doesn't, as I have already tried that. I tried it re-installing it again, just to make sure, and it still doesn't work. ImmenseKassing 120 — 11y

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