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How would I run an interactable GUI before spawning?

Asked by 7 years ago

I want to run a GUI to assign some local values before the player spawns. How would I go about delaying the spawn for this?

In most of my games all the players always respawn in the same spawnbox on the same spawn location, of which then my scripts send them off to the relevant location and stuff. So you could do something similar to that if you wanted and have so gui stuff before they get teleported.. or you can do manual character spawning. I would send you a link to the Players page on the ROBLOX API where it has re Pejorem 164 — 7y

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Answered by
Pejorem 164
7 years ago

In most of my games all the players always respawn in the same spawnbox on the same spawn location, of which then my scripts send them off to the relevant location and stuff. So you could do something similar to that if you wanted and have so gui stuff before they get teleported.. or you can do manual character spawning. I would send you a link to the Players page on the ROBLOX API where it has relevant methods for you to use for manual spawning (and switching off the auto character loading property) but im on mobile and im lazy.


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