I need to know how to give ALL players a hat, not just one players.
If you want to just add it to the Players other Hats:
AHat = nil --Put the hat you need in here. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do if v.Character then Hat = AHat:clone() Hat.Parent = v.Character end end
To remove the players hats then give new hat:
AHat = nil --Put hat you need here for i,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do if v.Character then for i,Noob in pairs(v.Character:children()) do if Noob.className == "Hat" then Noob:remove() end end AHat:clone().Parent = v.Character end end
These did not work out for me. Try using this instead:
NewHatString = game.Lighting.TheHatYouWant --Put the string of the hat in here. game.Workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(TheHat) if TheHat:IsA("Hat") then local NewHat = NewHatString:Clone() NewHat.Parent = TheHat.Parent NewHat.Name = NewHatString.Name TheHat:Destroy() end end)
Hope it works.