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Unknown error when trying to call a function?

Asked by 7 years ago
total = nil

function tax(percent,num)
total = num * percent

tax(0.5,1255) -- line which errors


21:29:34.173 - No method name passed in __namecall for Object

I have no idea why this is happening. I tried this in the output itself and it worked, but when i try using it through a script it just calls out that error.

Help would be appreciated, this is really frustrating.

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Answered by 7 years ago

Not sure where you put the script.. When I put it into the server script service it worked fine.. Test the below in a script in the server script service. Don't use a local script.

total = nil

function tax(percent,num)
total = num * percent
return total


Total should be defined inside the function as a local. It's rather unorganized to just have random variable names floating around in your main scope, and can potentially lead to hidden issues later on. ScriptGuider 5640 — 7y
True you should generally define variables as local iiFlamingIcicle 45 — 7y

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