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Why does my script say that my GUI is not a valid member?

Asked by 7 years ago
01game.ReplicatedStorage.ToggleItem.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, obj, toggleType)
02    if toggleType == "Equip" then
03        for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.Inventory.Background:GetChildren()) do --This is the line
04            if string.sub(v.Name, 1, 5) == "Image" then
05                if v.Item.Value == obj.Name then
06                    player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(obj:Clone())
07                end
08            end
09        end
10    elseif toggleType == "Unequip" then
11        player.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools()
12    end

On the line indicated above in the code, I always get an error. I checked my hierarchy and everything, it is correct. But for some odd reason, it always says 'Inventory is not a valid member of PlayerGui'. Any clue on how to fix this problem? Thanks!

(PS, this is a Server Script!)

What is the specific error? User#10445 15 — 7y
You do not have the inventory as in PlayerGui. The inventory is a core gui, that is why it says your inventory isen't a valid member. RootEntry 111 — 7y

2 answers

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Answered by 7 years ago

I'm not exactly sure but this has happened once to me. Are you sure there is an GUI called Inventory in the player? If so then I think you need :WaitForChild because it may not have loaded yet.

Here's the edited version of your script with WaitForChild's;

01game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ToggleItem").OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, obj, toggleType)
02    if toggleType == "Equip" then
03        for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Inventory").Background:GetChildren()) do --This is the line
04            if string.sub(v.Name, 1, 5) == "Image" then
05                if v.Item.Value == obj.Name then
06                    player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(obj:Clone())
07                end
08            end
09        end
10    elseif toggleType == "Unequip" then
11        player.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools()
12    end

If this somehow worked then please upvote and accept answer :P.

I have no idea, this is the dumb part, it just is an infinite yield ;(((( thehybrid576 294 — 7y
try naming it something else, like InventoryGUI BlackOrange3343 2676 — 7y
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Answered by
RootEntry 111
7 years ago

You do not have the inventory as in PlayerGui. The inventory is a core gui, that is why it says your inventory isen't a valid member. I am not a advanced scripter but when you equip a item it dosen't go to the PlayerGui. Try to look at the wiki.

No, Backpack is the CoreGui you speak of and it isn't located in PlayerGui, it is located in the Player thehybrid576 294 — 7y

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