My script will not work for some reason I asked my friends we could not find a way how. It is suppost to change the song when you say ".m roll" then song id it will change it to the song id.
function onChatted(msg, plr) local Owner = { ["iRexBot"] = true; ["PLayer1"] = true; } local Admin = { plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 254; plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 253; plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 252; plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 251; } local Mod = { plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 250; plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 249; } local LowerMod = { plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 28; plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 26; plr:GetRankInGroup(2706982) == 25; } local VIP = { } if msg == ".m play " then if Owner[plr.Name] or Admin or Mod or LowerMod or VIP then game.Workspace.Music.Sound.SoundId = "0" game.Workspace.Music.MusicPlayer.Disabled = true game.Workspace.Music.Sound:Stop() wait(0.1) local sound = msg:sub(9) game.Workspace.Music.PlayerSound.SoundId = sound wait(1) wait(game.Workspace.Music.PlayerSound.TimeLength) game.Workspace.Music.PlayerSound:Stop() end end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg) onChatted(msg, plr) end) end)
Could anyone fix it?