local CanAttack = true script.Parent.Activated:connect(function() local attack = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Attack) if CanAttack == true then attack:Play() CanAttack = false wait(.5) attack:Stop() CanAttack = true script.Parent.CanDamage.Value = true wait(0) end end)
(Error) (This error is viewed in ROBLOX Dev Console) 15:40:59 --Animation "https://www.roblox.com//asset/?id=794186172&serverplaceid=528273530" failed to load in "Workspace.Unkn0wn_Species.DoubleSidedAxe.LocalScript.Attack.AnimationId":Animation failed to load
I got it fixed my Animation was in my creations instead of my group creations, now that it's in my group creations I can now use the animation in my group game.