Upon downloading and installing Anaminus's Better Brush, it generates a error, which I cannot seems to fix. The output from Studio is stated below:
18:37:50.394 - C:/Users/Chance/AppData/Local/Roblox/Plugins/BetterBrush/Be:10: attempt to index local 'Terrain' (a nil value)
The plugin icon exists, but is fully visible on the toolbar.
If anyone could tell me why it is throwing that error and a fix, i'd greatly appreciate it
Code snip below. First segment of 400 lines.
local Plugin = PluginManager():CreatePlugin() local Toolbar = Plugin:CreateToolbar("Terrain") local ActivateButton = Toolbar:CreateButton("", "Brush", "brush.png") local Mouse = Plugin:GetMouse() local plugin_loaded = false local plugin_active = false local Terrain = game.Workspace.Terrain local SetCell = Terrain.SetCell local SetCells = Terrain.SetCells local GetCell = Terrain.GetCell local AutowedgeCells = Terrain.AutowedgeCells local WorldToCellPreferSolid = Terrain.WorldToCellPreferSolid local MAX_HEIGHT = Terrain.MaxExtents.Max.Y local brushRadius = 4 local maxBrushRadius = 16 local minBrushRadius = 1 local heightOffset = 0 local maxHeightOffset = 32 local minHeightOffset = -32 local brushMaterial = 1 local clearAbove = false local fillBelow = true local autoSmooth = true local Region3i = Region3int16.new local Vector3i = Vector3int16.new local function R3(a,b,c,x,y,z) return Region3i( Vector3i(a,b,c), Vector3i(x,y,z) ) end
I think the problem with this is that plugins load before anything else so when it tries to call the Terrain it is not there.
The solution is to using :WaitForChild("Terrain")
local Terrain = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Terrain")
This would be the updated version of line 9
If you have any questions, concerns or just need some help with this PM me on ROBLOX!