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How would you get the AVG PING of a server?

Asked by
shakran 23
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

Im just curious cause I know how to get ping from client to server using a remote function but how would you get server ping. I figured since if a creater using dev console to find serverping is possible I could write a small script to get that server ping from the console but im not sure how.

What is "server ping"? BlueTaslem 18071 — 7y
like the avg ping of all players. If you open console dev and go into server stats you can see AVG ping shakran 23 — 7y
You could create mulitple NumberValue's in a folder, one per user with their ping, then have a script for the GUI averaging the values (add all values, then divide by the number of values) SchonATL 15 — 7y
Yeah thats what I was thinking but isnt it inefficient to calculate server pink in a loop like every second? Idk I just thought there was a way to get the exact avg ping from roblox dev console to make things easier shakran 23 — 7y

1 answer

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Answered by 7 years ago

in code, because you can just press a button in-game and you can get all the data you need.


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