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How does this code calculate a proper angle for a grenade?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
-- Uber l33t maths to calcluate the angle needed to throw a projectile a distance, given the altitude of the end point and the projectile's velocity
function AngleOfReach(distance, altitude, velocity)
    local theta = math.atan((velocity^2 + math.sqrt(velocity^4 -196.2*(50*distance^2 + 2*altitude*velocity^2)))/(196.2*distance))
    if theta ~= theta then
        theta = math.pi/4

****This code is from Explosive Grenade, written by DeviousDeviation

I do not understand how math.atan can calculate the angle using velocity, distance, and altitude with some arithmetic.

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
7 years ago

For these calculations, neglect "air resistance" (slowing down while traveling through the air); ROBLOX doesn't have any (though the real world does).

When you throw a projectile, the horizontal speed over the whole length of its arc is the same. If you throw it at speed speed with an angle angle to the horizontal, the horizontal speed will be speed * cos(angle).

Thus after t time has passed, the horizontal position will be t * speed * cos(angle).

The vertical speed varies over time; it starts at speed * sin(angle), and after t time it has decrease to speed * sin(angle) - t * gravity (where gravity is the acceleration due to gravity; it's 196.2 studs/second^2 in ROBLOX).

The vertical position ends up being a parabola, the integral of the above.

Thus after t time has passed, the vertical position will be -gravity/2 * t^2 + t * speed * sin(angle).

We want the projectile to go horizontal_distance horizontally. Solve for the time t that that will happen at:

horizontal_distance = t * speed * cos(angle)
t = horizontal_distance / (speed * cos(angle))

We want the projectile to go altitude displacement vertically at the above time t. i.e., we need to find the angle such that

altitude = -gravity/2 * t^2 + t * speed
    t = horizontal_distance / (speed * cos(angle))

Solving this is a little tricker. Start by solving for t in the first equation, using the quadratic formula.

t = [ speed +- sqrt(speed^2 - 2 * altitude * gravity) ] / gravity

Now, use the two t = equations (by transitivity) to create the relation

horizontal_distance / (speed * cos(angle)) = [ speed +- sqrt(speed^2 - 2 * altitude * gravity) ] / gravity

Solve for cos(angle):

gravity * horizontal_distance / [speed +- sqrt(speed^2 - 2 * altitude * gravity)] / speed = cos(angle)

You can solve cos(angle) = ... using acos, getting:

angle =
    math.acos(gravity * horizontal_distance
        / (speed + math.sqrt(speed^2 - 2 * altitude * gravity))
        / speed)

The formula here is a little different from the one in the script, but they should be equivalent (assuming I didn't make any algebra mistakes).

First, Thank you, BlueTaslem, and second, I want to ask a follow up question: When you are trying to find " t " using the quadratic formula (based on altitude equation), where did the negative sign of gravity go? MinHoang 49 — 7y
Which one? Most likely it's a typo. BlueTaslem 18071 — 7y
" t = [ speed +- sqrt(speed^2 - 2 * altitude * gravity) ] / gravity " Why is gravity is not negative since it is negative in the altitude equation? MinHoang 49 — 7y
That's not a typo, that's just how the quadratic formula works -- it cancels with the +- and the "-b" coefficient BlueTaslem 18071 — 7y

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