Someone was helping me about 2 days ago and sent me this script. It states that "While X < maxpos do" is an Error. I cannot figure out how to edit this to make it correct, please help.
local speed = 0.07 -- how much the brick moves each tick
local waittime = 0.25 --How much time there is between each tick.
X = Workspace.Model.Part.Position.X -- make sure this is the brick you based coordinates on.
minpos = 10 --Minimum position, this is 10 in this case
maxpos = 20 --Maximum position, this is 20 in this case
model = Workspace.Model --the model you want to move.
function clicked()
if X < maxpos then
While X < maxpos do
model:MoveTo(X +,0,0))
X = X --Update the Variable
if X > maxpos then x = maxpos --Check, to make sure it won't outpass its limit on the last tick.
While X > minpos do
model:MoveTo(X -,0,0))
X = X -- update the variable.
if X < minpos then x = minpos --Check, to make sure it won't outpass its limit on the last tick.
end Workspace.Model.Part.ClickDetector:connect(clicked) -- Clickdetectors can only be used in parts. so those wich brick should be clicked wisely