I actually have two questions. How can I make it so that the SurfaceGui brick will spawn next to me on my right side at all times? It keeps spawning either in front of me or to the opposite side. Also I wanted it to be able to spawn the Surface Gui brick when I press e or the actual GUI button. But I can only spawn it by pressing the GUI button. Your help will be much appreciated! Thanks!
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local chr = plr.Character local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local screenBrick = game.ReplicatedStorage.inventoryScreen local button = script.Parent local buttonDeb = false local keyDeb = false function spawnScreen() local sb = screenBrick:Clone() sb.Parent = game.Workspace sb.Anchored = true sb.CanCollide = false sb.CFrame = chr.Head.CFrame + Vector3.new(-2,0,6) for i = 1,0.3,-0.1 do sb.SurfaceGui.container.BackgroundTransparency = i wait() end end button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(click) if buttonDeb == false then buttonDeb = true spawnScreen() end end) local function onKeyDown( key ) if keyDeb == false then keyDeb = true if key == "e" then spawnScreen() end end end mouse.KeyDown:connect(onKeyDown)