if x == 1 then if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then
if test == false then return end
test = false
local scr = script["Touch1"]:Clone()
scr.Parent = plr.Character scr.Disabled = false
wait(0.7) scr:Remove()
test = true end end
--it sets the touch scripts parent to the localplayer character but it wont run, it is a normal script and this script is a localscript. i do have repeat wait in this script to and the touch script should not need one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So, seems like there's an article to help you: here
But if it does not help you, here's my help!
So, the ROBLOX studio runs every single script locally, even server scripts.
The servers, of course, work differnent. Only localscripts are runned locally.
Since your script uses keybinding that should mean it is supposed to run locally.
The solution is to, just change the script into a localscript! Everything should run fine.
Remember, if your script uses something that acceses the player, detects the player's mouse, keyboard and others, USE A LOCAL SCRIPT!
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Albert Einstein
Also, remember to use the code blocks correctly. Click the lua button and paste the code BETWEEN those 2 ~~~ bars.