I made a system to Book flights with the Trello API.
wait(1) local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") ap = require(game.ServerScriptService.TrelloAPI) BoardID = ap:GetBoardID("REWOT Flights") bi = ap:GetLists(BoardID) print(bi) local json = HttpService:JSONEncode(bi) print(json) print(json[1])
In the output "print(json[1])" is "nil" This is the table:
[{"pos":65535,"closed":false,"subscribed":false,"id":"58c02cce4356c6873fc04985", "idBoard":"58c02cc833c86452d2825b77","name":"TestBoard"},{"pos":131071,"closed":false,"subscribed":false,"id":"58c16e98b86cb1d603d793e2", "idBoard":"58c02cc833c86452d2825b77","name":"testboard2"}]
Why is the output nil?
The reason your code doesn't work is because you are encoding into JSON when you should be decoding it instead as decoding will turn it into a table that Lua can understand:
local json = HttpService:JSONDecode(bi)