I have made an instance of a Melee level like this:
-Localscript game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
_G.leader = Instance.new("IntValue", plr) _G.leader.Name = "leaderstats"
_G.Melee = Instance.new("IntValue", leader) _G.Melee.Name = "Melee" _G.Melee.Value = 0
Textlabel that displays Melee Value:
While true do script.Parent.Text = _G.Melee.Value
wait(3) end
The result of testning in studio would be 0 but when i start a local server IT shows nothing. The output is also nothing.
Your issue is that PlayerAdded won't really fire on LocalScripts like that. Instead, try something like this.
plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer _G.leader = Instance.new("IntValue", plr) _G.leader.Name = "leaderstats" _G.Melee = Instance.new("IntValue", leader) _G.Melee.Name = "Melee" _G.Melee.Value = 0