game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(p) if p:findFirstChild("Rebirths") then p:SaveInstance("RebirthValue"..tostring(game.PlaceId),p.Rebirths) end end) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) for k = 1, 60, 0.03 do wait() if p:findFirstChild("Rebirths") and p.DataReady then break end end local Loaded = nil if p:findFirstChild("Rebirths") and pcall(function() Loaded = p:LoadInstance("RebirthValue"..tostring(game.PlaceId)) end) then pcall(function() p.Rebirths.Value = Loaded.Rebirths.Value end) end end)
So I am trying to use this script to save/load the value of "Rebirths" someone has when they leave and join. The Rebirths value is set in newPlayer as an IntValue. I am able to save the leaderstats perfectly fine, but how would I save the values not in leaderstats such as newPlayer?
Thanks, MCPE11