Why can't I change the default animations in Online mode?
Recently, I have made a StarterCharacter that looks rather different from the default ROBLOX character. So, I've managed to animate it with the animation plugin, and upload the animations, etc.
-What I've done is used the default animation script, and replaced the default animations with the custom animations I made.
However, in Play Solo, the animations work fine. But, in online mode ( or in the server play ), the animations refuse to load onto the player.
I've tried loading these animations onto NPCs, which works fine on them in online mode.
- I've also tried modifying the original Animate script in a script that assigns them animations, works in Play Solo, but not in Online mode.
Here's the script who assigns the animations.
1 | local Animator = player.Character:FindFirstChild( "Animator" ) |
If there are any specifications that you may need or any answers, please let me know!