Basically, I want my music player to play songs in order with a shortened amount of lines, but I don't know how to do it. I need some help, this is the code for my music player. It's working but not as I want it to be (I obviously know that there is nothing that attempts to do what I want it to do, but I find no solution in attempting to do it).
How do I do it?
local ContentProvider=Game:GetService('ContentProvider'); local ServerStorage=Game:GetService('ServerStorage'); local Song=ServerStorage:WaitForChild('Song'); local Playing=false; local Songs={ 438917260; --// 1 143959455; --// 2 243372213; --// 3 142295308; --// 4 401120618; --// 5 130844430; --// 6 130797915; --// 7 142435409; --// 8 143204341; --// 9 131111368; --// 10 572476178; --// 11 221681020; --// 12 606541503; --// 13 577407393; --// 14 131154740; --// 15 }; local Track=1; function PreLoadAssets(Assets) for _, ID in pairs(Assets) do ContentProvider:Preload('rbxassetid://' .. ID) end; end; PreLoadAssets(Songs); function StartSong() Spawn(function() repeat Wait(0); for _, V in pairs(Songs) do if not Playing then Playing=true; Song.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://' .. V Track=V; print(_, V, 'eyyoo'); Song:Play() break; end; end; until Song.IsPlaying==false; Playing=false; print('Done'); Track=Track+1; print(Track); StartSong(); end); end; StartSong();