A name like the name you would see above a player's head except over a Part
Make a part into a model, change the part's name to "Head", insert a humanoid into the model and then rename the model to whatever you want the text to say. If you don't want the green bar to be visible, change the MaxHealth to 0.
If you were to do this in a script, it would be like this
1 | local Part = Instance.new( "Part" ) |
2 | local Head = Instance.new( "Humanoid" ) |
3 |
4 | Part.Parent = game.Workspace |
5 | wait( 2 ) -- Give it some time or else "Head" won't go in "Part" |
6 | Head.Parent = workspace.Part |
If you were to do this is studios
First, Hover over the Workspace and Right Click. Part1
Next, click and open Insert Object Part2
Then, click Humanoid and Part.
After that, move the Humanoid to the Part.
If you want to change the Part's health to normal/god then go to Humanoid > MaxHealth and change it to 0 or spam 9 until you get inf. Also, change the Health to the MaxHealth's value.