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Is there to make all of the parts within a group change transparency in sync?

Asked by
snarns 25
8 years ago

I'm trying to make a robotic glowing effect using transparency. It would be ideal if all of the parts within the group would gradually change their transparency in sync with one another without me having to add each and every part. Is there a way the script can call all of the children within a group in an easy and less messy way? Here's the script I've been using.

01Fade = script.Parent
02Fade2 = script.Parent.Parent.Light2
03Fade3 = script.Parent.Parent.Light3
04Fade4 = script.Parent.Parent.Light4
06while true do
07    Fade.Transparency = 0
08    Fade2.Transparency = 0
09    Fade3.Transparency = 0
10    Fade4.Transparency = 0
11    wait(1)
12    Fade.Transparency = 0.2
13    Fade2.Transparency = 0.2
14    Fade3.Transparency = 0.2
15    Fade4.Transparency = 0.2
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Doing this can get a little out of hand if it includes many parts.

2 answers

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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

For Loops

You can use a GENERIC For loop (aka For each loop). It loops through a table using pairs() or ipairs(), here is the format when using the generic for loop:

1for index, value in ipairs(t) do -- For each pair of index and value in the table...
2    print(value) -- Example (Print the value)

Note that you can use _ instead of index if it is not necessary, but it is also good to keep the index variable just in case you need it in the future.

Now, you may wanna put all your parts in a Folder object in Workspace. Then, let's use :GetChildren() to get the list/table of parts you need to change with. Also, make a SERVER Script and put it in the folder you just created

1local ListOfParts = script.Parent:GetChildren()

As you can see, I assigned the list to a variable named ListOfParts.

Now, use the generic For loop to loop through the list of parts.

1local ListOfParts = script.Parent:GetChildren()
3for i, part in ipairs(ListOfParts) do -- ipairs goes through lists like :GetChildren() arrays in order from the index 1. The variable "part" is the value.
4    part.Transparency = 0.8

Since your wait times are different and you wanted to change the transparency to different values, let's try to make a NUMERIC For loop because the Transparency follows a pattern.

In case you don't know, numeric For loops look like this:

1for i = 1, 3, 1 do -- The code is repeated 3 times, from 1 to 3 (incremented by 1).
2    print(i, "thing(s)") -- Prints the current number (of times) in "i" and "thing(s)"

And in your case:

1local ListOfParts = script.Parent:GetChildren()
3for i = 0.2, 0.8, 0.2 do
4    for _, part in ipairs(ListOfParts) do
5        part.Transparency = i -- Continues to be increased by 0.2 until it reaches 0.8, starting from 0.2 itself!
6    end
7    wait(0.2)

We're not done yet! That's just part of the final code!

Now, let's make the whole script:

01local ListOfParts = script.Parent:GetChildren()
03while true do
04    for i = 0.2, 0.8, 0.2 do
05        for _, v in ipairs(ListOfParts) do
06            if v:IsA("BasePart") then -- Check to see if this is a part, because the Script is counted as a child in the list as well.
07                v.Transparency = i
08            end
09        end
10        wait(0.2)
11    end
13    wait(0.2) -- The other 0.2 seconds are included in the loop. So that's 0.4 - 0.2 = 0.2
15    for i = 0.8, 0, -0.2 do -- You can use numeric for loop for decrements as well! In that case, the value of "i" starts from 0.8 and keeps on decreasing until it reaches 0!
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If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments! Thanks and I hope this will help! If this works, click "Accept Answer" so we can both get some reputation! :)

Wow! I must commend you for the work you've put into this. I wish I wasn't such a noob so I could understand it better, but your script works perfectly! Thank you so much! snarns 25 — 8y
It's ok. Learning takes time! :) starlebVerse 685 — 8y
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Answered by
cabbler 1942 Moderation Voter
8 years ago

Since there doesn't seem to a pattern here, you should store the parts in a table, then loop through the table in a function. You can supply the function parameters such as transparency and time.

I do reccomend you come up with a pattern to Lerp, so you do not have to this manually.

01Fade = script.Parent
02Fade2 = script.Parent.Parent.Light2
03Fade3 = script.Parent.Parent.Light3
04Fade4 = script.Parent.Parent.Light4
06tab = {Fade,Fade2,Fade3,Fade4}
08function fade(x,t)
09    for _,f in pairs(tab) do
10        f.Transparency=x
11    end
12    wait(t)
15while true do
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Well, there is kindof a pattern, but it seems unnatural if you know what I mean. cabbler 1942 — 8y
This is also a great answer! Thanks so much for the help! snarns 25 — 8y

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