Hey guys! I am currently making my first game. I originally started by importing free models, plugins, scripts, etc. But I wasn't learning anything and kept getting "viruses". So I scrapped that project and started fresh, attempting to do everything myself. So far, between using the wiki, and watching youtube videos, I have been able to hash together workable scripts. However.. they are not clean. Many redundancies, and silliness abound.
Today I have come to ask for some input. I am attempting to learn and create a datastore to store players money and lvl. I also am trying to store their abilities (Strength, Constitution, Agility, Intelligence). After watching multiple youtube videos, and reading the wiki, I have not been able to learn how to accomplish this cleanly, and correctly. I do believe what I have works, but I know that I can clean it up a ton, and use some arrays to consolidate redundancy, etc. Also, I am not sure if I am creating more tables than I need to, etc. Im pretty sure I could save all of my abilities to one table, instead of separately, but I don't really know how to accomplish this.
Could someone take a look at my script, and give me some pointers if you have time? Thanks!
local DSService = game:GetService('DataStoreService'):GetDataStore('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx') -- Variables local uniquekey = "id-"..plr.userId local leaderstats = Instance.new('IntValue',plr) local abilities = Instance.new('IntValue',plr) local colvalue = Instance.new('IntValue') local lvlvalue = Instance.new('IntValue') local strvalue = Instance.new('IntValue') local convalue = Instance.new('IntValue') local agivalue = Instance.new('IntValue') local intvalue = Instance.new('IntValue') leaderstats.Name = 'leaderstats' lvlvalue.Parent = leaderstats colvalue.Parent = leaderstats strvalue.Parent = abilities convalue.Parent = abilities agivalue.Parent = abilities intvalue.Parent = abilities lvlvalue.Name = 'Lvl' colvalue.Name = 'Col' strvalue.Name = 'Strength' convalue.Name = 'Constitution' agivalue.Name = 'Agility' intvalue.Name = 'Intelligence' -- GetAsync local GetSaved = DSService:GetAsync(uniquekey) if GetSaved then colvalue.Value = GetSaved[1] lvlvalue.Value = GetSaved[2] strvalue.Value = GetSaved[3] convalue.Value = GetSaved[4] agivalue.Value = GetSaved[5] intvalue.Value = GetSaved[6] else local colSaving = {colvalue.Value} local lvlSaving = {lvlvalue.Value} local strSaving = {strvalue.Value} local conSaving = {convalue.Value} local agiSaving = {agivalue.Value} local intSaving = {intvalue.Value} DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,colSaving) DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,lvlSaving) DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,strSaving) DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,conSaving) DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,agiSaving) DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,intSaving) end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr) local uniquekey = 'id-'..plr.userId local coltable = {plr.leaderstats.Col.Value} local lvltable = {plr.leaderstats.lvl.Value} local strtable = {plr.leaderstats.str.Value} local agitable = {plr.leaderstats.agi.Value} local inttable = {plr.leaderstats.int.Value} DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,coltable) DSService:SetAsyne(uniquekey,lvltable) DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,strtable) DSService:SetAsyne(uniquekey,contable) DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,agitable) DSService:SetAsyne(uniquekey,inttable) end)
Well for starters, for a cleaner look you could do this
local colvalue = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats) Trophies.Name = "Col" colvalue.Value = 0
for each of the attributes.
When it comes to saving you can make a table that contains all the things you want saved.
if GetSaved then --GetSaved else local attributeSaving = {colvalue.Value,lvlvalue.Value,strvalue.Value,convalue.Value,agivalue.Value,intvalue.Value} local DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,attributeSaving) end
you can do the same thing for the playerremoving event
Okay, I have made changes to my script based on your suggestions. It does look much cleaner and I can see how that method is much more efficient than what I had. Thank you :) However, I do have a few questions. In the top right leaderboard area, I now show 4 stats. "lvl, col, strength, constitution". I am curious as to why it only showed those values, and not agility, intelligence. Does the leaderboard area only show a max of 4 values? Secondly, in the script I set the "Value" of my abilities to 5, and the value of lvl to 1, thinking that would be the starting value. But they are all still showing up in the leaderboard area as 0. What does that value section signify?
I like the sound of that. How would I go about cloning the folder and where would I place it? Other than cleaning things up, is there any performance based impact from this method, for better or worse?
Thank you so much guys! Here is my newly revamped code, based on Nogalo's suggestions:
local DSService = game:GetService('DataStoreService'):GetDataStore('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx') game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) -- Variables local uniquekey = "id-"..plr.userId local leaderstats = Instance.new('IntValue',plr) leaderstats.Name = 'leaderstats' local lvlvalue = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats) lvlvalue.Name = "lvl" lvlvalue.Value = 1 local colvalue = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats) lvlvalue.Name = "Col" colvalue.Value = 0 local strvalue = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats) lvlvalue.Name = "Strength" strvalue.Value = 5 local convalue = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats) lvlvalue.Name = "Constitution" convalue.Value = 5 local agivalue = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats) lvlvalue.Name = "Agility" agivalue.Value = 5 local intelvalue = Instance.new("IntValue",leaderstats) lvlvalue.Name = "Intelligence" intelvalue.Value = 5 -- GetAsync local GetSaved = DSService:GetAsync(uniquekey) if GetSaved then colvalue.Value = GetSaved[1] lvlvalue.Value = GetSaved[2] strvalue.Value = GetSaved[3] convalue.Value = GetSaved[4] agivalue.Value = GetSaved[5] intelvalue.Value = GetSaved[6] else local assigndata = {colvalue.Value,lvlvalue.Value,strvalue.Value,convalue.Value,agivalue.Value,intelvalue.Value} DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,assigndata) end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr) local uniquekey = 'id-'..plr.userId local coltable = {plr.leaderstats.Col.Value} local lvltable = {plr.leaderstats.lvl.Value} local strtable = {plr.leaderstats.str.Value} local contable = {plr.leaderstats.con.Value} local agitable = {plr.leaderstats.agi.Value} local inttable = {plr.leaderstats.int.Value} local savedata = {coltable,lvltable,strtable,contable,agitable,inttable} DSService:SetAsync(uniquekey,savedata) end)
EDIT: I was able to answer 1 of my questions. My previous saved data was overriding the starting values. Once I renamed the datastore, all starting values displayed correctly.
also, I was tinkering around with doing something like:
local Attributes = Player.attributes:GetChildren() for i = 1, #Attributes do Player:SaveNumber(Attributes[i].Name, Attributes[i].Value) end
Would that be feasible? Less optimized/more optimized/roughly the same?