:CreatePlaceAsync creating out dated places?
I have a problem with :CreatePlaceAsync
where it gets an older version of the base place than the current one. I have tested it and only after I join the lobby, create a new "server" or new place, leave, and join the lobby again will it allow me to create updated places. I'm not sure what could be wrong with this, but if anyone has some experience with it, mind sharing it?
Code where I make the server:
01 | function Workspace.createServer.OnServerInvoke(plr, server_name, server_password, public, official) |
02 | if not _G.serverList [ 1 ] = = "default" then |
03 | serverData:SetAsync( "server" .. tostring (#_G.serverList+ 1 ), { plr.userId, plr.Name, #_G.serverList, server_name, server_password, public, official } ) |
05 | serverData:SetAsync( "server" .. tostring (#_G.serverList), { plr.userId, plr.Name, #_G.serverList, server_name, server_password, public, official } ) |
07 | if pcall ( function () newServ = game:GetService( "AssetService" ):CreatePlaceAsync( "server" ..#_G.serverList, 22974285 ); end ) then |
08 | newMsg( "Server Attempted to create a place" ); |
10 | newServ = #_G.serverList; |
11 | newMsg( "Error creating new server" ); |
13 | serverData:UpdateAsync( "servers" , addServer) |