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How can you make a daily gift script using os.time() and datastore?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

I'm curious on how to use os.time() to make a daily gift script that would give rewards every 12 hours.

Have you tried to make it yet? Thundermaker300 554 — 7y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

HI friend.

I will try to teach you how to make daily rewards,however i am not that good in explaining.So i will try my best today,Good Luck!

Making your values

So first of all,you would want to insert a script into your Workspace or ServerScriptService,(either of them works,haven't tried putting is in sss)

Then insert one NumberValue and one StringValue.

Name the number value to "Reward" and the StringValue to "Stats"*

*You have to create your leaderstats first.

Assuming your leaderboard is done,In the stringvalue,Put the name of your stats inside.Besure to type it correctly!

and your number value to the amount of _______ you want the player to get each day .


So now what? Its time to code everything!

You would want to make the datastore so when the player joins,It only gets one perday.

So you might be wondering,What is the difference between tick and os.time() Well,tick can be used but it isn't useful as the user can change the time and get the reward.While os.time,it only sticks to one timing unless you change account.

Then you would want to make your timeperiod. 12 hours is about 43200 mins or so

So now,This should be the code

    script.DailyReward:Clone().Parent = plr.PlayerGui--Clone your guis into PlayerGui NOT StarterGui
local DataStore = game:GetService('DataStoreService'):GetDataStore('Name of your DataStore')--Name your dailyreward system
local TimePeriod = 43200--your countdown

function Give(plr)
    assert(coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()-- I forgot what this does tho but just leave it here incase.

        if plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") then
            plr.leaderstats[script.Stats.Value].Value = plr.leaderstats[script.Stats.Value].Value + script.IncreaseBy.Value--PAYDAY!

        local Gui = plr:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')
        if Gui:FindFirstChild('your guis name here') then
        local as = Gui.DailyReward.Frame--Makes the guy which tells the player visible
        as.Visible = true


game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)-- datastore stuff,you don't really want to mess here if you don't know what you are doing
local currenttime = os.time()
local RecordedPreviousTime = DataStore:GetAsync(plr.userId)
if RecordedPreviousTime then
if type(RecordedPreviousTime) == 'number' then
local timeelapsed = currenttime - RecordedPreviousTime
if timeelapsed >= TimePeriod then
DataStore:SetAsync(plr.userId, os.time())
warn(plr.Name .. ' (' .. plr.userId .. ') rewarded.')
warn(plr.Name .. ' (' .. plr.userId .. ')\'s has been destoryed,trying to fix the problem!')
DataStore:SetAsync(plr.userId, os.time())
warn(plr.Name .. ' (' .. plr.userId .. ')\'s has not been found. Creating...')
DataStore:SetAsync(plr.userId, os.time())--yep!

Make the guis to tell players that the received the award.

I assume you already know how to make guis Make sure you DO NOT place the guis into startergui. You would also want a text button so the player can close it

    script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false--Closes the frame or whatever

Final notes

IF you would like to go further,You can make the rewards increase each time.

if anything is wrong,let me know KawaiiX_Jimin 54 — 6y

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