I am currently making a game right now and I was woundering if someone could help me to see if you can have a camera subject when you spawn or respawn.
Well, an event called .CharacterAdded exists. This is run when the player is reset, or dies and respawns. Here's what you could do (this is in a server script):
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:conect(function(char) game.ReplicatedStorage.SetCamera:FireClient(plr, "Set Camera") end) end)
As you can see, I created a RemoteEvent inside of ReplicatedStorage and called it 'SetCamera' and from the script above I'm firing it every time a player respawns.
In a local script:
game.ReplicatedStorage.SetCamera.ClientFired:connect(function(plr, request) if request == "Set Camera" then -- Your camera code.. I'm assuming you know how to do that end end)
Hope I helped, let me know if I did :)