Hello, I'm trying to make a Roblox game that references gear from the catalog without adding every single gear into my game into storage.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
If so, can you give some sort of function or something?
Thank you!
I've wanted to do something similar before, the best approach I came up with was compiling a complete list of gear ids and putting them in a table so that i could spawn a random gear from that list. The list below is incomplete but just an example as to the setup. The script below would be used to give the player a random gear when they chat "r".
gears = {99797357, 99797381, 99797403, 99797327, 94794774, 99641902, 99610601, 99119158, 99119198, 97161241, 99254437, 99254358, 99119261, 99254241, 99119240, 83021197, 99254203, 99254164, 92142841, 87361662, 99130630, 99033296, 98411393, 98411436, 98970218, 98341183, 98253651, 98411325, 98253626, 98253592, 98346415, 13745494, 98253569, 98219158, 97932897, 97885552, 97885508, 97885572, 97885289, 97886188, 97756645, 97712291, 97311482, 97161262, 97161295, 96669943, 96669687} function onMsg(msg, ply) if msg == "r" then for i = 0,10 do local model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(gears[math.random(#gears)]) for _,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Tool") or v:IsA("HopperBin") then v.Parent = ply.Backpack end end end end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(ply) ply.Chatted:connect(function(msg) onMsg(msg, ply) end) end) for _,ply in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do ply.Chatted:connect(function(msg) onMsg(msg, ply) end) end