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How to Make people teleport to map from lobby after intermission?

Asked by
Rukory 0
10 years ago

When i tried to do it, it doesnt work for me this is my script

for i,v in pairs(game.Players:getChildren()) do if v:findFirstChild("Character") then v.Character.Torso:MoveTo(0,0,0) -- change this to a position within the lobby end end

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Answered by 10 years ago

Don't use the torso ("Torso:MoveTo(0,0,0)"), also why "0, 0, 0"? Is your spawn point located in X:0, Y:0, Z:0? Also "MoveTo" need a new Vec3 instance, like this: "MoveTo(, y, z))" Use the player position or the Character position (so MoveTo needs to be on "Character") like this:

for i, player in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
    if player:FindFirstChild("Character") then
        player.Position =, y, z)
        -- OR
        player.Character:MoveTo(, y, z))

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